2018 – (ongoing) レントゲンフィルム、シャウカステン、ガラス、陶土、磁土、映像 他

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」



The remains of my beloved dog–who passed away in 2015 after battling illness for five years–still sit in my parents’ living room, not having been put to rest after cremation. When my dog was cremated, I wanted once more to see those small and beautiful remains that my family and I had touched.
However, feeling as if the urn was filled with the air of that bittersweet time, I could not open its lid. Once opened, that lost time could never be put back.

One day in 2018, I decided to take a CT scan of the box containing that urn.
I turned the scan data of the remains into 3D data and output it with a 3D printer. I then made a mold of the resultant resin version of the remains, transforming them into varied materials, such as glass or ceramic.
This act becomes an opportunity to amplify the entirety of this being, who lost everything and all memory at the boundary of death. By touching these varied materials and seeing this figure transform with its beauty intact, I have also come to accept my own transformations.

Modern funerals have kept death away from everyday life so that eventually, the dead no longer exist in society. The dead, hidden under heavy tombstones or in urns, are transformed repeatedly through my funeral methods; I do not lose them. That transformation process is told in this story.

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」

画像: 平野真美 作品 「変身物語」